четвъртък, 6 февруари 2014 г.

Кратки новини

@officialdolbysel: Отбор DOL - дрехите, вдъхновени от спорта, са тези, които 
трябва да имате тази пролет. Включете ги в списъка си! @selenagomez #selenators
#dreamoutloud #dol #spring #sports #teamdol
@officialdolbysel:Team DOL -Sports inspired pieces are #musthaveitems for spring. Put them on your list now!@selenagomez #selenators #dreamoutloud #dol#active #spring #sports #teamdol @officialdolbysel:Team DOL -Sports inspired pieces are #musthaveitems for spring. Put them on your list now!@selenagomez #selenators #dreamoutloud #dol#active #spring #sports #teamdol
@officialdolbysel: Навън може все още да вали сняг, но ние сме напълно готови
за пролетта! #dove #dol #selenators @selenagomez
@officialdolbysel: It may still be snowing outside,but we are SO ready for Spring! #dove #dol #selenators @selenagomez @officialdolbysel: It may still be snowing outside,but we are SO ready for Spring! #dove #dol #selenators @selenagomez
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